Missions — Wesley UMC Macon

At Wesley UMC, we are devoted to looking outside the walls of our church to serve our community and the world! See the opportunities below to find where you can help!

monthly donation collection

We have created a rotation (subject to change) of donation items we are collecting so we can help the many ministries around us!
These items can be brought on Sunday mornings before or after worship, as well as during office hours (Monday-Thursday, 9am-1pm).

FEBRUARY - MARCH: Welcome bag items for the Dove Center (women's division) at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia
APRIL - MAY: Shower supplies for Daybreak, Loaves and Fishes, and Centenary UMC
JUNE - JULY: School supplies for our local schools
AUGUST - SEPTEMBER: Canned goods for Macon Outreach
OCTOBER - NOVEMBER: Operation Christmas Child boxes
DECEMBER - JANUARY: Men's socks for the men's division at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia

prepare lunches for loaves and fishes ministries

Every other month, we provide around 50 lunches for those gathered at Loaves and Fishes Ministries.
Contact Hal Etheridge, via our Church Secretary, if you are interested in helping.